Promoting Your Business Effectively Through Social Media




FAB Social Media Workshop: Facebook and Twitter for Business. These days it is not enough for you to know the mechanisms behind popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many others. You also need to continue learning how to maximize the uses of these new media and deliver engaging content. This knowledge can be attained through FAB’s social media training facilitated by trusted social media experts.

$25. 10 to 2. We have several FAB social media gurus on board to bring you al the lastest you need for your businesses. Taught by our very own FAB, Kerry Shepperd. 

August 08, 2017 at 10:00am - 2pm
FAB House
11505 Anderson Mill Rd
austin , TX 78750
United States
Google map and directions
Shri Arnold · · 512-247-8978

Who's RSVPing

Will you come?

$15.00 Been to a FAB Workshop Before?
If you've attended a social media workshop before.
$25.00 Members
Box lunch provided
$30.00 Non-Member Ticket
Box lunch provided

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